Blockhenge Provides Sophisticated Software Solutions for Advanced Traders in Digital Assets

Our product journey began by building foundational middleware so users can have the most secure, reliable, and high-performance experience possible. This middleware solution is known as Cryptomnio.


Cryptomnio is a middleware platform that provides a unified developer API allowing programmatic trading on multiple cryptoasset exchange venues independently or simultaneously. This solution offers the capability to manage, balance, and execute trades from your own trading interface.


Developed by our team of information security experts, Exchange Health Watch (xRx) is the first of its kind public service that continually assesses the stability and connectivity to exchanges. Manage your digital assets with confidence with up-to-the-minute venue health status.


Not only do we provide advanced trading software solutions for our customers, we use them ourselves. Through a combination of manual and automated trading powered by Cryptomnio, Blockhenge maintains an internal proprietary trading desk trading Bitcoin-denominated markets, taking profit in Bitcoin.


Contact us to schedule a free 30-minute initial consultation and let us determine how best we can help you.